4. The combination with engine compris
ing piston which free reciprocate un
der the action steam gjas under press
ure, and electric generator having induc
ing and induced elements one which ca- 55
pable oscillation the field force, the
said movable element being carried the
piston rod the engine, set forth. Thecombinationwiththepistonorequiv-
alent element engine which free to
reciprocate under the action steam gas
under pressure, the moving conductor 45
element electric generator direct me
chanical connection therewith, the engine and
generator being adapted their relative ad
justment with respect period produce
currents constant period, set forth. The method producing electric cur
rents constant period herein described
which consists imparting the oscillations
of engine the moving element elec- 8c
trie generator and regulating the period of
mechanical oscillation adjustment of
the reaction the electric generator, here
in set forth. Any movement the latter
ro will therefore shift the lines force through
coils and produce currents therein. 50
3. The coils are connected
with generator continuous currents E'
and are wound produce consequent poles
in the core G'. The combination with the piston orequiv
alent element engine which free to
reciprocate under the action thereon steam
or gas under pressure, the moving con-
40 ductor element electric generator in
direct mechanical connection therewith. The combination with engine oper
ated steam gas under pressureand hav- 60
ing constant period reciprocation, an
electric generator, the moving element of
which carried the reciprocating p“
art of
the engine, the generator and its circuit be
ing related the engine with respect 65
the period electrical vibration not to
disturb the period the engine, set forth. Sucha
circuit will have certain natural period of
vibration, that say that when the elec
tricity therein disturbed any way an
electrical electro-magnetic vibration a
20 certain period takes place, and this de
pends upon the capacity and self induction,
such period may varied approximately
accord with the period the engine. need only said that the
use proper condenser the self induction
15 this circuit may neutralized.
In the circuit coils shown con
denser H'. Surrounding the plunger are two ex-
5 citing coils C', and one more induced
coils D'.
P ,
In case the power the engine coin-
25 paratively small, when the pressure ap
plied through very small fraction the
total stroke, the electrical vibration will tend
to control the period, and clear that if
the character such vibration not very
30 widely different from the average period of
vibration the engine under ordinary work
ing conditions such control may entire
ly adequate produce the desired results.611;
generator this ease composed mag
netic casing which laminated core G'
secured the piston rod caused vi
5. The combination with cylinder and a
piston reciprocated steam gas under
pressure spring maintained vibration 70
by the movement the piston, and elec
tric generator, the movable conductor ele
ment which connected with the piston,
these elements being constructed and adapt
ed the manner set forth for producing 75
current constant period.
Having now described invention, what
35 claim is—