The coils B
are connected, also, series and two col
lecting-rings &,secm’ed generally the shaft
at the opposite end the armature. obvious
5 that the four reversals the same order
could produced each half-revolution
of the generator the motor would make two
revolutions the generator’s one. diagram of
a system containing generator and several
motors adapted run various speeds.
For instance, generator constructed
15 with two circuits, each which produces
twelve reversals current revolution,
and these currents directed through the
independent energizing-coils motor, the
coils which are applied produce
20 twelve magnetic poles all times, the rota
tion the two will synchronous; but if
the motor-coils produeebutsix poles the mov
able element will rotated twice while the
generator rotates once, the motor have
25 four poles its rotation will three times as
fast that the generator. and generator and
motor another well-known type are shown. Fig.,3. :
Fig. This
would readily accomplished adding two
t intermediate poles the generator alter
ing any the other equivalent ways
above indicated. driy- 120
ing this disk cylinder alternating currents
are produced the coils and P', which are
carried off run the several motors. The same rule applies to
generators and motors with multiple poles.
30 Figure diagrammatic illustration of
a generator constructed accordance with
my invention.
Fig. 75
The application the principle this in
vention not confined any particular form
of machine. The con
struction the motor identical with that
of the generator, and coupled thereto will
run synchronously therewith. the
field-magnets, and the coils thereon. The magnets are ener
gized alternately-opposite po
larity throughout the series, that the 90
conductor rotated the current impulses
combine are added one another, those
produced the conductor any given posi
tion being all the same direction.
The motors are composed ring an
nular field-magnet wound with two sets 125
energizing-coils T', and armatures hav
ing projections wound with coils all
connected series closed circuit each
closed independently itself.
In Fig. The coils are included
in the circuit generator means of
50 which the field-magnet energized. The generator this case shown
as consisting stationary ring wound 115
with twenty-four coils P', alternate coils ;■
being connected series two circuits. thus
constructed, the machine well-known forni
of alternating-current generator. is
adiagramof ageneratorof modified construc-
35 tion.487,798
circuits, and have demonstrated that the ef
fect upon motor such that mentioned is
to shift the magnetic poles through three
hundred and sixty degrees.
Suppose the twelve generator-coils are 130
wound alternately opposite directions, so
that any two adjacent coils the same set
. diagram motor cor7
responding character.
Within this ring disk drum with
projections Q'wound with energizing-coils in
cluded circuit with generator B,. let represent cylindrical arma-
4c ture-core wound longitudinally with insulated
coils which are connected series,
the terminals the series being connected
to collecting-rings the shaft By
means this shaft the armature mounted
45 rotate between the poles annular
field-magnet formed with polar projec
tions wound with coils that magnetize the
said projections.
The motor shown Fig. the usual
construction these machines the armature-
conductor carried suitable frame,so 85
as rotated face the magnets or
between these magnets and another similar
set face them. 70
From the foregoing evident that one
revolution the armature the generator
producing eight current impulses each cir
cuit will produce two revolutions the mo
tor-armature. Fig. Fig.
In Fig. adapt
it system, however, wind armature
C second set coils intermediate to
55 the first, or, other words, such positions
that while the coils one set are the rela
tive positions the poles the field-magnet
to produce the maximum current those the
other set will the position which they
60 produce the minimum current. L'is 110
one the armature-conductors and the
other. With such re
lations evident that the current de- 100
creases conductor increases con
ductor and conversely, and that any the
forms motor invented for use this
system may operated such generator. shows diagram other forms ma
chine. has annular
63 field-magnet II, with four pole-pieces wound
with coils The armature constructed
similarly that the generator, but with
two sets two coils closed circuits cor
respond with the reduced number mag
netic poles the field. similar view a
correspondingly-constructed motor.
These features, far necessary to
an understanding the invention, are illus
trated the accompanying drawings. adapt
such machine system, add second 95
set induced conductors all respects
similar the first, but placed with refer
ence that the currents produced each
will differ quarter-phase. Figs. Fig. 3,J are magnets disposed circle 80
and wound with coils which are circuit
with generator which supplies the current
that maintains the field force. intended show motor corre- 105
sponding the machine Fig