The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
) --------------------------------------- y To all whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub­ ject the Emperor Austria-Hungary, for­ merly Smiljan, Lika, border country Aus- 5 tria-IIungary, but now residing New York, in the county and State New'York, have in­ vented certain new and useful Improvements in Systems for the Electrical Transmission of Power, w'hich the following specifica- i tion, reference being had the drawings ac­ companying and forming part the same. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. Another feature invention the 8c plan w'hich have devised for utilizing gen­ erators and motors this type, whereby a single generator maybe caused run num­ ber motors either the same speed its own all different speeds. 487,766, dated December 13, 1892. Sup­ pose the generator has two independent gen­ erating-coils which revolve between two pole- pieces oppositely magnetized and that the motor has energizing-coils that produce 93 any given time two magnetic poles one element that tend set rotation the motor. It well known that the most efficient re­ sults are secured the operation such mo­ tors when they are run high speeds; but as 40 the practicable rate speed much limited by mechanical conditions, particularly the case large generators, which w'ould re­ quired when number motors are run from a single source, have sought produce a 43 greater number current impulses slow' or slower speed than that which the ordi­ nary bipolar machines may economically operated. This 90 will understood from example. may accomplish this in a variety w'ays, which, however, vary only in detail, since they are based upon the same 60 underlying principle. generator thus constructed yields four impulses reversals current each revolution, two each its independent 100 . SerialBo. This invention improvement sys­ tems ofelectrical distribution power where­ in are employed motors having two more 15 independent energizing-circuits, through which are passed alternating currents differ­ ing phase that are produced magneto- electric machine having independent induced circuits, that are obtained from any other 20 suitable source orby any othersuitable means. 'ApplicationfiledM ay15,1888. For example, adapt a given type alternating-current generator I may couple rigidly two complete machines, se­ curing them that the requisite difference in phase between the currents produced 65 each will obtained, may secure two armatures the same shaft within the influ­ ence the same field and with angular displacement that will produce the proper difference phase between the two currents, 70 or may secure two armatures the same shaft with their coils symmetrically disposed, and place two sets field-magnets such angle secure the same result, or, finally, I may wind the same armature the two sets 73 of coils alternately, such manner that they will develop currents, the phases of w'hich differ time sufficiently produce rotation the motor., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC COMPANY, SAME PLACE. 273,992. SPECIFICATION forming’part Letters Patent No. 30 The rate, therefore, which the different phases impulses current the line-cir­ cuits succeeded one another was little greater than that which the armatui’e of the generator revolved that without special 33 provision the generator required run at very high speed obtain the best results. In illustration the various conditions w'hich I regard most importantto attainment of the best results from the use motors of this character, have heretofore used gener- 25 ally forms generator which the relations of the induced current-generating coils and field-magnets were such that but twoimpulses or current are produced each coil sin­ gle revolution the armature field cores. (H om odel. therefore adapt system any of the various types multipolar alternat- 50 ing-current machines which yield consid­ erable nuinberof current reversals orimpulses for each revolution the armature ob­ serving the main condition essential the operation system that the phases the currents the independent induced circuits 55 of the generator should not coincide, but ex- liibitasufficient difference phase produce the desired results. This accom- 83 plish constructing the motors with fewer poles than the generator, w'hich case their speed will greater than that the gener­ ator, the rate speed being higher the number their poles relatively less.nited States Patent Office. SYSTEM ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION POWER