The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Witnesses: F rank Hartley, Frank rphy. single revolution the disk cylinder the twelve polar projec- S tions which are opposite polarity, will therefore produce twelve current impulses in each the circuits W'. For example, the motor X, Fig. These multipolar motorshave rS peculiarity which maybe often utilized to great advantage. The effect of such change, however, would the same as reducing the number poles one-half, and thereby doubling the speed any given 25 motor. The combination, with alternating- 50 current generator comprising independent armature-circuits formed conductors al­ ternately disposed, that the currents de­ veloped therein will differ phase, and field- magnet poles excess the number arma- 55 ture-circuits, motor having independent energizing-circuits connected the armature- circuits the generator, substantially set forth. If this not the case, there will certain unevenness action which the less appre- 40 ciable the number poles greater; but even this may measure corrected by special provisions which not here neces­ sary explain. also follows, matter of course, and from the above obvious, 43 that the number the poles the motor be greater than that the generator the mo­ tor will revolve slower speed than the generator.487,796 3 tend produce free pole the ring be­ tween them and the twelve coils be similarly wound. NIKOLA TESLA. The combination, with alternating- current generator having independent in­ duced circuits and constructed adapted 80 produce given number current impulses or alternations for each turn revolution, of motors having corresponding energizing-cir­ cuits and poles which number are less than the number current impulses pro- 85 duced each circuit turn revolution of the generator, set forth. 3. 2. The combination, with source alter- 60 nating currents which differ phase and com­ prising rotating magneto-electric machine yielding given number current impulses or alternations for each turn revolution, of a motor motors having independent ener- 63 gizing-circuits through which the said cur­ rents are caused flow, and poles which in number are less than the number current impulses produced each motor-circuit by one turn revolution the magneto-ma- 70 chine, set forth. What claim invention is— 1. This readily attained making the proper electrical connections. the eight poles may either alter­ nately opposite there may any given time alternately two like and two opposite 20 poles. The combination, with multipolar al­ ternating-current machine having independ­ ent induced current-generating circuits, of motors having independent energizing-cir- 75 cuits and smaller number poles than the generator, set forth. 4. It may stated with respect the de­ vices hereinafter set forth that the most per- 35 feet and harmonious action the generators and motors obtained when the numbers of the poles each are even and not odd. The motor with twelve coils or sixpoles, will rotate with twice the speed the generator, and the motor with eight coils or four poles, will revolve three times fast as the generator. these and other respects will be seen that the invention involves many im­ portant and valuable features. It obvious that the electrical transform­ ers described prior patents and jo which have independent primary currents may used with the generators herein de­ scribed. Hence the motor X, which has sixteen coils eight free poles, will make one and half turns the gener- io ator’s one