The otherterminatesin the switch-
contact •».
In Fig. Then
when the desired speed attained the le-
55 ver shifted onto contacts, the entire
current will pass through the field-coils the
synchronizing motor and the other will be
doing work,
The torque motor may constructed and
60 operated various ways, many which I
have described other applications; but do
not deem necessary illustration the
principle construction and mode opera
tion present invention describe these
65 further herein. start them short-circuit the
synchronizing motor switch P', throwing
the whole current through the torque motor. the same disposition shown; 115
but each motor provided with shunt, in
which are switches and T", shown.
There also shunt around the synchroniz
ing motor with switch P'. 382,27!), dated May 1888. let designate the
torque multiple-circuit motor and the
synchronizing motor,L being the line-wires
from source alternating current. Some these 70
arrangements are illustrated Figs.
A convenient arrangement for carrying out
35 this invention shown Fig. are the conductors the main
The manner operating the systems will
be understood from the foregoing descrip
tions. The two motors are thus
in series. AVhen the de
sired speed reached, switch closed and
the current divides between both motors. One end of, say, coils connected to
40 wire through self-induction coil One
end the other set coils connected to
the same wire through dead resistance N. alternating-current non-synchroniz
ing electric motor coupled with synchroniz
ing alternating-current motor, substantially 130
as set forth, whereby the former starts the
latter and throws into synchronism with
In Fig. By
means switch both motors may cut 105
out. 9. a
switch the synchronizing-motor circuit. this means the main
armature more easily brought above
30 the required speed. One end the field-circuit
of the synchronizing motor connected to
the wireL. They are then joined and connected to
the energizing-circuit the synchronizing 80
motor, the opposite terminal which con
nected wire I/. The
field-coils the torque motor are connected
up two series and and the alternating
eurrentfrom thegenerator directed through
or divided between these two circuits any
io manner produce progression the poles
or points maximum magnetic effect. 1ro
Fig. not necessary that one
motor cut out circuit while the other is
in, for both may acted upon the cur
rent the same time, and have devised va
rious dispositions arrangements the two
motors for accomplishing this. shows the two motors series, with
a shunt around both containing switch T.
The opposite ends these two circuits are
connected the contact switch the
15 handle lever which connection with
the line-wire I/. 85
Then when the desired speed reached the
switch opened, that the current passes
through both motors.459,773
torque motor, the other hand, has, pi-efer-
ably, cylindrical armature without polar
projections and wound with closed coils G,as
I have described iny previous patents,
5 notably No. I
secure this result, convenient way by
connecting the two motor-circuits deriva
tion with the circuit from the generator, in-
15 serting one motor-circuit dead resist
ance and the other self-induction coil, by
which means difference phase between
the two divisions the current secured.
Sis the synchronizing motor and the torque
motor, the circuits both being parallel. When the speed neces
sary for synchronism imparted the main
motor, the current shifted from the torque
motor into the other. On
the start the switch opened, cutting out
the motor Then opened, throwing 100
the entire current through the motor giv
ing very strong torque.
Referring Fig. 120
I not claim herein the torque motor nor
any part thereof, except far they en
ter into the combination which forms the sub
ject this application, for have made the
distinguishing features said motor the sub- r25
ject other applications. such arrange
ment this obviously desirable for
economical and other reasons that proper 90
relation between the speeds the two motors
should observed. From the diagram will read-
50 ily seen that the lever turned onto
contact the torque motor will start by
reason the difference phase between the
currents its two energizing-circuits.
What now claim is—•
1. the arrangement substantially
the same, except that switch placed in
the circuit which includes tho two circuits of
the torque motor. said
figure are the field-coils the sychroniz-
ing, and III the field-coils the torque, mo
tor. 95
W circuit also derivation the motor-
circuits and containing switch P".
If both motors have the same number field-
20 poles, the torque motor for given number
of alternations will tend run double the
speed the other, for, assuming the connec
tions such give thebest results, its
poles are divided into two series and the
15 number poles virtually reduced one-half,
which being acted upon the same number
of alternations tend rotate the armature
at twice the speed. The 75
two circuits the torque motor different
degrees self-induction, and designated by
NM, are connected derivation the wire
In Fig. another disposition illustrated