The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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300,220,1have shown and described an improved system operating this class of motors, which consists, broadly, wind- 30 ing arranging the motor such manner that means suitable switches could be started multiple-circuit motor, one operating progression its magnetic poles, and then, when speed, nearly 35 so, converted into ordinary synchronizing motor, one which the magnetic poles were simply alternated. Figure part sectional view the two motors; Fig. This invention involves several novel and useful features. some cases, as when large motor used and -when the number alternations very high, there is 40 more less difficulty bringing the motor to speed double multiple-circuit mo­ tor, for the plan construction which renders the motor best adapted run synchro­ nizing motor impairs its efficiency torque 45 double-circuit motor under the assumed conditions the start. Thirdly, the synchronizing motor may con­ structed soas have much morepronounced tendency synchronism without lessening 75 the facility with which started. diagram the circuit connections employed; and Figs. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. will observed, the 65 first place, that both motors are run without commutators any kind, and, secondly, that the speed the torque motor may higher than that the synchronizing motor, will be the case when contains fewer number 70 of poles sets poles, that the motor will be more readilyand easilybrought speed. A pplicationfiledA pril6, 1889. 459,772, dated September 22,1891. prefer, however, to wind the pole-pieces the armature, with 100 closed coils this obviates the employ­ ment sliding contacts. SerialN o. therefore mount both upon the same 90 shaft the field-magnets the synchro­ nizing and Cof the torque motorbeingsecured to the same base The preferably larger synchronizing motor has polar projections on its armature, which rotate very close prox- 95 imity the poles the field, and other respects conforms the conditions, now- well understood, that are necessary secure synchronous action. 2,an end view the synclironiz- 80 ing motor; Fig. end view and part sec­ tion the torque double-circuit motor; Fig. This will readily understood, for large synchronizing mo­ tor the length ofthe magnetic circuit the po­ lar projections and their mass are great that 50 apparently considerable time required for magnetization and demagnetization. and are dia­ grams modified dispositions the two mo- 85 tors. In the drawings have illustrated the in­ vention. Hence in all instances heretofore when these “synehro- 20 nizing motors,” they are termed, have been run, some means have been adopted bring the motors synchronism with the gen­ erator, approximately so, before the alter­ nating current the generator applied to 25 drive them. have therefore combined two mo­ tors, one synchronizing motor, the other a multiple-circuit torque motor, and the latter bring the first named speed, 60 and then either throw the whole current into the synchronizing motor operate jointly both the motors. 306,165. As well known, certain forms alternat­ ing-current machines have the property, when connected circuit with alternating-cur­ rent generator, running motor syn- 15 chronism therewith; but while the alternating- current will run the motor after has at­ tained rate speed synchronous with that of the generator will not start it. In application filed February 18, 1889, Serial No.nited States Patent Office.) To all whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub­ ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljau, Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, re- 5 siding New York, the county and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements Electro-Magnetic Motors, which the following specifica­ tion, reference being had the drawings ae­ ro companying and forming part the same. The smaller or ., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC COMPANY, SAME PLACE. Hence with current very high number al­ ternations the motor may not respond prop­ erly. (N om od el. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MOTOR. Inasmuch neither motor doing any work while the current acting upon the other, prefer rigidly connect the two arma­ tures. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. avoid this objection and start up a synchronizing motor which these condi- 55 tions obtain the object present in­ vention