The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
. The combination, with alternating- 25 current motor having field-cores wound with coils adapted connected source of alternating currents and armature wound with induced coils closed upon themselves, of a starting device for bringing said motor into synchronism with the generator -with -which 30 it connected. "Witnesses: George Monro, Edw ard Evans. 6. 45 7. 4. 2.459,772 3 its actuating-current, and switch mechanism for directing the current through either or both the motors, set forth. NIKOLA TESLA. The herein-described method operat­ ing alternating-current motors, which consists in actuating motor alternating cur­ rent bring second alternating -current motor synchronizing speed relative 50 the actuating-current and then switching the synchronizing motor into circuit. The combination, with alternating- current motor composed multipolar al­ ternating field-magnet, and armature hav­ ing poles wound with coils closed upon them- 35 selves, starting device, set forth. The combination, with alternating- 15 current synchronizing motor having one en­ ergizing-field, alternating-currenttorque motor having plurality energizing-cir­ cuits and adapted operatedby currents differing phase, and switch for directing so the alternating current currents through the several circuits one motor orthe single circuit the other, and for the purpose set forth. 3. alternating-current motor, the com­ bination field-magnet having poles wound with coils adapted when connected with a source alternating current produce si- 40 multaneously opposite magnetic polarities and armature provided with poles pro­ jections and wound with coils connected in a continuously-closed unconnected circuit, as set forth. The combination two motors the ar- 5 matures which are mounted upon the same shaft, one said motors being alternating- current torque motor, one which the magnetic points poles are progressively shifted the action the energizing-cur­ io rent, the other motor being alternating- currentsynchronizingmotor,andswitchmech­ anism for directing the current through either or both said motors, set forth. 5