The armature-coils are wound connected
30 such manner that adjacent coils produce
opposite poles. Hence the effect 95
the condenser twofold.
It preferable account the undesir
ability using sliding contacts all kinds
to associate the eondenser with the armature
directly, make part the armature.
Having now described invention, what
I claim is—
1. Their
points union are joined through con
denser will observed that this 90
disposition the self-induction the two
branches and varies with their position
relatively the field-magnet, and that each
branch isalternatelythepredominatingsource
of the induced current. one the sections the core de
tached. This illustrated
in Fig. Chief among these is, well
known, the periodicity the current, and 115
hence the improvements which have here
in described are more particularly adapted to
systems which veiy high rate alterna
tion change maintained. The con
denser not only permits the passage ti'ans-
ferrence these currents, but, also counter-
45 acts the effects self-induction, and a
proper adjustment the capacity the con
denser, the self-induction the coils, and the
periods the currents the eondenser may
be made overcome entirely the effect of
50 the self-induction. Within the influence .
The general plan the invention illus
trated Fig. other cases utilize the plates
of the core itself the plates the con
denser. this figure repre
sent the frame and field-magnets alter
nating-current motor, the poles projections
io which are wound with coils and form
ing independent energizing-circuits connect
ed either the same toindependent sources
of alternating currents, now well under
stood, that the currents (lowing through
15 the circuits, respectively, will have differ
ence phase. These plates are
insulated from the shaft and from one another,
and are held together rods bolts The
bolts pass through large hole one plate
and small hole the one next adjacent, 70
and on, connecting elect ideallyall plates
K, one armature condenser, and all of
plates the other.
To either the condensers above described
the armature-coils may connected, ex- 75
plained reference Fig.
55 some eases build the armature an
nular plates held bolts between
heads which are secured the driving-
shaft, and the hollow space thus formed I
place condenser generally winding the I
60 two insulated plates thereof spirally around
the shaft. For example, Figs. 1.
The action this motor and the effect of
the plan followed its construction are as
follows: The motor being started opera-
35 tion and the coils the field-magnets being
traversed alternating currents, currents
are induced the armature-coils one set
of field-coils, and the poles thus estab
lished are acted upon the other set, C.
Although isinvention has been illustrated 120
herein connection with special form of
motor, will understood that equally
applicable any other alternating-current
motor which there closed armature-
coil wherein the currents are induced the r25
action the field, and, furthermore, would
state that the feature utilizing the plates
or sections magnetic core for forming the
condenser, regard applicable, generally,
to other kinds alternating-current appa- rso
ratus. which represents one set
of armature -coils and the other. Fig. alternating-current motor, the com-
40 The armature-coils, however, have necessa
rily high self-induction, which opposes the
flow the currents thus set up.455,067 4
similar section modification the same. This effect favorable to
the proper working the motor, because it
increases the flow current the armature-
circuits due given inductive effect, and 105
also because brings more nearly into coin
cidence the maximum magnetic effects the
coacting field and armature-poles. and is
the driving-shaft, are the heads the
65 armature-core, and the iron plates of
which the core built up. First, increases
the current each the branches alter
nately, and, secondly, alters the phrase of
the currents the branches, this being the
well-known effect which results from such 100
disposition eondenser with circuit, as
above described. motors this description hereto
fore these coils have been closed upon them-
20 selves, connected closed series; but in
the present case each coil the connected
series coils terminates the opposite
plates condenser For this purpose
the ends the series coils are brought out
25 through the shaft collecting-rings which
are connected the condenser contact-
brushes and suitable conductors, the con
denser being independent the machine.
In motors which the armature-coils are
closed upon themselves—as, for example, in
any form alternating-current motor in
which one armature coil set coils Sc
the position maximum induction with re
spect the field coils poles, while the other
is the position minimum induction—the
coils are preferably connected one series,
and two points the circuit thus formed are 85
bridged condenser.
Fig. diagram showing modi
fied disposition armature induced cir-
5 cuits.
It will understood, course, that the
causes that contribute the efficiencyof con- no
densers when applied such uses above
must given due consideration determin
ing the practicability and efficiency the
field armature-core wound with coils