central section, inline
with the shaft, special form armature-
core adapted the invention.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. alternating-cur
rent motor the type which have par
ticularly referred above, any other which 70
has armature coil circuit closed upon,
itself, the latter represents not only in
ductive resistance, but one which periodi
cally varying value, both which facts
complicate and render difficult the attainment 73
of the conditions best suited the most effi
cient working the motors.
Applicationfiled January 27,1891. These improvements comprise the
use condenser condensers connec- 65
tion with the induced armature circuit of
a motor and certain details the construc
tion such motors. Fig.
Someof these effects,and thosemostimportant
in connectionwithmyinvention,areas follows:
First, the terminals plates ofa condenser
3° connected with two points circuit, the
potentials which are made rise and fall
in rapid succession, the condenser allows the
passage or, more strictly speaking, the trans-
ferrence current, although its plates or
35 armatures may carefully insulated to
prevent almost completely the passage a
current of- unvarying strength direction
and moderate electro-motive force; second,
if circuit the terminals which are con-
40 neeted with the plates the condenser pos
sess certain self-induction, the condenser
will overcome counteract greater or
less degree, dependent upon well-understood
conditions,the effects such self-induction;
45 third, two points closed complete
circuit through which rapidly rising and
falling current flows shunted bridged
by condenser, variation the strength of
the currents the branches and also dif-
50 ference phase the currents therein pro
My improvements are based upon certain
laws governing- the action effects produced
by condenser wdien connected electric
25 circuit through which alternating gen
eral undulating current made pass.
Referring the drawings for particular
description the . I
secure these results connecting with the
induced circuit circuits condenser, the
manner hereinafter described, and also, 93
with this purpose view, construct the mo
tor special manner. These effects have utilized and ap
plied variety ways tire construction
and operation motors, producing
a difference phase the two energizing-
circuits alternating-current motor 55
connecting the two circuits derivation and
connecting condenser series one of
the circuits; but such applications seem be
obvious one familiar with motors and
the facts above enumerated. Fig. 60
Mypresent improvements, hou'ever, possess
certain novel features practical value and
involve knowledge facts less generally
known.. 455,067, dated June 30,1891.nited States Patent Office. Serial N
o, 379,251.
The subject present invention an
improvement primarily designed for applica
tion alternating -current motors the
special type invented me, and which the
iS operation due the action alternating-
currents differing phase and directed
through developed independent ener
gizing-circuits the motor, and causing a
shifting rotation the magnetic poles or
so their resultant attractive forces upon the ro
tating element armature. (N
To whom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub
ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljan,
Lika, bordercountry ofAustria-Hungary, and
5 residing New York, thecountyand State
of New York, have invented certain new and
usefullmprovements Electro-Magnetic Mo
tors, which tire following specification,
reference being had the accompanying
io drawings.invention, Figure a
view, mainly diagrammatic, alternating- toe
current motor which present invention
is applied. The most effi
cient working conditions, other words, re
quire,- first, that for given inductive effect
upon the armature there should the great- 80
est possible current through the armature or
induced coils, and, second, that there should
always exist between the currents the en
ergizing and the induced circuits given re
lation phase, lienee whatever tends 85
decrease the self-induction and increase the
current the induced circuits will, other
things being equal, increase the output and
efficiency the motor, and the same v7
ill be
true causes that operate maintain the 90
mutual attractive effect between the field-
magnets and armature its maximum