magnetic core for alternating-current
apparatus, composed plates sections in
sulated from each other and alternately con
nected form the two parts armatures 33
a condenser.
P aeker age,
Prank epiiy.
5. alternating-current motor, the com
bination, with armature-coils inducti re
lation the field and connected closed
:o circuit, condenser bridging said circuit,
as set forth.
20 alternating-current motor, the com
bination, with the induced energizing coil or
coils the armature, condenser con
nected therewith, and made part the ar
mature rotating element the motor.
NIKOLA TESLA.bination, with the field-magnets and energiz
ing-circuit, armature-circuit and core
adapted energized by'currents induced
in its circuit the currents the field-cir-
5 cuit, and condenser connected with the arma
ture-circuit only, set forth. alternating-current motor, the com- 25
bination, with armature-core composed of
insulated conducting-plates alternately con
nected form condenser, induced en
ergizing coil coils wound thereon and con
nected the plates armatures the said 30
condenser. alternating-current motor, the com
bination, with armature and two energiz
ing-circuits formed coils wound thereon in
15 different inductive relations the field and
joined continuous closed series, a
condenser the plates which are connected,
respectively, the junctions the circuits
or coils, set forth