Ultrazvukový anemometr

| Kategorie: Diplomové, bakalářské práce  | Tento dokument chci!

Práce popisuje principy a problémy při realizaci ultrazvukového anemometru. Je popsán princip výpočtu rychlosti větru a následné korekce výpočtu. Pro realizaci jsou využity ultrazvukové sensory a microcontrolér ARM Cortex-M3. Práce se zabývá generováním PWM signálu, jeho analogovou filtrací, zesílením a odvysíláním. Na přijímací straně jeto nízkonapěťový zesilovač a komparátor. Vyvíjený kód je popsán pomocí vývojového diagramu.

Vydal: FEKT VUT Brno Autor: Michael Dvořácek

Strana 37 z 49

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So program set flag for another measurement and wind calculation will skipped. flag not wind calculation state, sequence too weak measured time too low. Then program test from which axis has measured sequence know where store results.4.lower than min update them. was created for development version of anemometer let know little about amplitude affection for computation wind speed. Program continue inside one two flag conditions. Most of measurements have adc_pp higher than 900, therefore permit choose measured time from better signal quality. Its results aren’t use for wind wind calculation. At first local variables are loaded. Program returns adc_pp value and exit continue main loop. that case program exit. adc_pp is lower than 800, received signal too weak include measured time calculation. One them adc_ppx_aver or adc_ppy_aver variable loaded with its counting index. Then we 29 . Illustration 4. When shadowed little bit space between sensors, could see amplitude value goes down and airspeed goes negative values because delayed response of comparator.10 ADC average function This function serve only inform about amplitude receiving signal. When loop done, program calculate ADC peak peak value. 32th calculation, value shifted down and adc_pp_aver value printed screen with correspondent axis comment.12: Flowchart ADC peak peak function 4. increase adc_pp_aver variable actual adc_pp value