TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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5) mm²; 2020 Series 2-Conductor Female Plug; with Lateral Locking Lever and Strain Relief Plate 2-conductor female plug; with locking lever; fits into carrier terminal blocks; codable; gray 2-conductor female plug; with strain relief plate; fits into carrier terminal blocks; codable; gray 2-conductor female plug; with strain relief plate and lock- ing lever; fits into carrier terminal blocks; codable; gray Pole No.5 mm)/reel white 2009-113 1 Marking strip; plain; wide; reel white 2009-110 1 WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar- kers/card; for 3.138 inch Module width: 3.43 inch 0.14 (1.14 (1.5 300 A2 Module width: 3.5) mm² AWG 0.35 0. Unit Pole No.5 0. Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks with Pluggable Connector, X-COM®S-SYSTEM-MINI X-COM®S-SYSTEM-MINI; (1.5) mm² AWG 500 V/6 kV/3 300 500 V/6 kV/3 300 500 V/6 kV/3 300 AU IN 13. Pack.5 0.5 terminal block width plain 793-3501 5 Protective warning marker; with black high-voltage symbol; for terminal blocks yellow 2000-115 100 (25) Carrier with coding pins; for coding female plugs orange 2020-100 100 (25) .14 (1. Item No.5 300 13.wago.138 inch L 0. Item No.5) mm² AWG 0. Unit 2 2020-202/122-000 100 2020-202/132-000 100 2020-202/142-000 100 3 2020-203/122-000 2020-203/132-000 2020-203/142-000 50 4 2020-204/124-000 2020-204/133-000 2020-204/143-000 50 5 2020-205/124-000 2020-205/133-000 2020-205/143-000 50 6 2020-206/124-000 2020-206/133-000 2020-206/143-000 25 7 2020-207/124-000 2020-207/134-000 2020-207/144-000 25 8 2020-208/124-000 2020-208/134-000 2020-208/144-000 25 9 2020-209/124-000 2020-209/134-000 2020-209/144-000 25 10 2020-210/125-000 2020-210/135-000 2020-210/145-000 25 11 2020-211/125-000 2020-211/135-000 2020-211/145-000 20 12 2020-212/125-000 2020-212/135-000 2020-212/145-000 20 13 2020-213/125-000 2020-213/135-000 2020-213/145-000 10 14 2020-214/125-000 2020-214/135-000 2020-214/145-000 10 15 2020-215/125-000 2020-215/135-000 2020-215/145-000 10 Accessories for Female Plugs Appropriate marking systems: WMB/WMB Inline/Marking Strips Technical Data Technical Data Technical Data 0. Unit Pole No.43 inch WMB Inline; plain; 2,300 WMB markers (3.35 0.5 300 13. Item No. Pack.43 inch 0.35 0.172 Pole 1 Pole 1 Pole 1 Pole 1 Pole 1 Pole 1 www.5 0.138 inch Module width: 3