TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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Suffix Forcoloredfemaleplugs,theitemnumbersuffix“xx”mustbereplacedbytheblue“-006”andthe green-yellow“-016”colorsuffix. Notice: appropriate end plate must applied to the carrier terminal blocks after each female plug. Quantity 1-Way 2-Way 734-327 6mm /132-0xx /122-0xx /142-0xx 734-328 Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks with Pluggable Connector, X-COM®S-SYSTEM-MINI 1 Conductor range: 0.14 1.171 4,8 30 20 17,5 35 12,5 6 25,1 9,6 PoleNo. gray gray gray gray 2to3 4to6 7to9 10to15 1-conductor femaleplug 2-to15-pole gray blue green-yellow www. Color Width Color Description Item No.5 0.5 mm² “s” and .5 mm² “s+f-st” Push-in termination: 0.wago.wago.5mm /133-0xx /124-0xx /143-0xx 734-329 25mm /134-0xx /124-0xx /144-0xx 734-326 35mm /135-0xx /125-0xx /145-0xx 2020-102 none to /000-006 2020-115 /000-016 Dimensionsofstrainreliefplates Dimensionsoflockinglevers 2-pole 5-pole 15-pole StrainReliefPlate(SRP),Gray Assembled SRP Assembled Assembled LockingLever(LL),Gray SRPandLL,Gray ItemNo.75 mm² “insulated ferrules, mm” 2 500 rated voltage 6 rated impulse voltage 3 pollution degree 3 Current-carrying capacity curves upon request “ Note: According 61984, pluggable connectors without a current interrupting capacity must not mated or unmated when live under load. Suffix No. Suffix ItemNo. “ Approvals and corresponding ratings, visit www.5 1. ItemNo. Suffix ItemNo