TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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2 mm plain 793-5501.39 0.75 2.5 mm² conductor cross-section; A L 2009-412 100 (10) L 110 2009-414 100 (10) L 250 2009-416 100 (10) Modular TOPJOB® connector; snaps together; for jumper contact slot gray 2002-511 100 (25) Spacer module; snaps together; bridges commoned terminal blocks gray 2002-549 100 (25) End plate; for modular TOPJOB® connector; 1.25 0.75 mm² “s” and 0. 4 Terminal blocks with mark are suitable for II applications. 550 A 20 jumper “ Please observe the application notes: Separator for e/Ex applications, see page 29 Step-down jumpers, see page 41 Jumpers, from page 146 Testing accessories, from page 140 Marking, from page 230 “ Approvals and corresponding ratings, visit www.5 mm² “insulated ferrules, mm” 2 800 rated voltage 8 rated impulse voltage 3 pollution degree 3 Terminal blocks with blue insulated housing are suitable for applications.75 mm² dark gray 2002-172 200 (25) Protective warning marker; with black high-voltage symbol; for terminal blocks yellow 2002-115 100 (25) Push-in type jumper bar; insulated; light gray 2-way 2002-402 25 3-way 2002-403 25 4-way 2002-404 25 5-way 2002-405 25 6-way 2002-406 25 7-way 2002-407 25 8-way 2002-408 25 9-way 2002-409 25 10-way 2002-410 25 Technical Data Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S TOPJOB® 2. Unit gray 2002-6301 100 blue 2002-6304 100 orange 2002-6302 100 red 2002-6303 100 black 2002-6305 100 yellow 2002-6306 100 3-conductor ground terminal block green-yellow 2002-6307 100 3-conductor shield terminal block white 2002-6308 100 Accessories; 2002 Series Appropriate marking systems: WMB/WMB Inline/Marking Strips Accessories; 2002 Series Appropriate marking systems: WMB/WMB Inline/Marking Strips Push-in type jumper bar; insulated; light gray 1 2002-433 25 1 2002-434 25 1 2002-435 25 1 2002-436 25 1 2002-437 25 1 2002-438 25 1 2002-439 25 1 2002-440 25 Delta jumper; insulated; terminal block; light gray 1-2 3-4 5-6 2002-406/020-000 25 Star point jumper; insulated; terminal block; light gray 1-3-5 2002-405/011-000 25 Staggered jumper; insulated; light gray 2-way 2002-472 25 3-way 2002-473 25 4-way 2002-474 25 5-way 2002-475 25 6-way 2002-476 25 7-way 2002-477 25 8-way 2002-478 25 9-way 2002-479 25 10-way 2002-480 25 11-way 2002-481 25 12-way 2002-482 25 Customized staggered jumper; insulated; with contact lugs broken off the factory and circuit printing; 25 A; light gray 1-3 2002-473/011-000 25 1-3-5 2002-475/011-000 25 1-3-5-7 2002-477/011-000 25 1-3-5-7-9 2002-479/011-000 25 1-3-5-7-9-11 2002-481/011-000 25 Adjacent jumper for continuous commoning; insulated; IN 25 light gray 2-way 2002-400 25 1 Conductor range: 0.2 0.47 inch 3-conductor through terminal block Color Item No.5 (4) mm² AWG 800 V/8 kV/3 600 AU IN (32 600 A2 Terminal block width: 5.03in www.25 2.2 stretchable white 2009-115 1 Marking strip; plain; wide; reel white 2009-110 1 WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar- kers/card; stretchable from 5.8 thick orange 2002-6392 100 (25) gray 2002-6391 100 (25) Ex e/Ex separator; orange; thick 120 209-191 (25) Insulation stop; pcs/strip; 0.205 inch L 0.03 in 38,9 mm/1.wago.5 (4) mm²; 2002 Series Through/Ground Conductor/Shield Conductor/Ex Terminal Block End and intermediate plate; 0.5 mm² light gray 2002-171 200 (25) Insulation stop; pcs/strip; 0.38 51,6 mm/2. Accessories; 2002 Series Appropriate marking systems: WMB/WMB Inline/Marking Strips Adjacent jumper for continuous commoning; insulated; IN 3 light gray 2002-423 25 red 2002-423/000-005 25 blue 2002-423/000-006 25 Adjacent jumper for continuous commoning; insulated; IN 25 light gray 5-way 2002-415 25 Push-in type wire jumper; insulated; 1.5 mm thick gray 2002-541 100 (25) TOPJOB® L-type test plug module; snaps together gray 2002-611 100 (25) TOPJOB® L-type spacer module; snaps together; bridges commoned terminal blocks gray 2002-649 100 (25) End plate; for modular TOPJOB® test plug module; 1.wago.5 thick gray 2002-641 100 (25) WMB Inline, plain; 1,500 WMB markers mm)/reel; … 5.25 mm² “s+f-st” Push-in termination: 0.53 in 26,1mm/1