TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

Strana 157 z 268

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• X-COM®S-SYSTEM-MINI Female Plugs not have inte- grated end plate; end plate must used the end the carrier terminal block assembly. X-COM®S-SYSTEM Terminal Blocks can commoned us- ing TOPJOB® Jumpers. X-COM®S-SYSTEM-MINI Terminal Blocks (3. • Female plug assemblies maximum poles can be customized. 2020 and 2022 Series Termi- nal Blocks are combinable. Test plug adapter (CAT for 4 mm test plugs banana plugs also suitable for X-COM®S-SYSTEM- MINI Ter- minal Blocks • X-COM®S-SYSTEM and X-COM®S-SYSTEM-MINI Female Plugs are Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks with Pluggable Connector, X-COM®S-SYSTEM Double Space Savings Additional marking option via snap-on type adapter Carrier terminal blocks and female plugs are touch-proof.wago. . An end plate provides connec- tion TOPJOB® Terminal Blocks.5 wide) save even more space using double-deck ter- minal blocks.155 www