TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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6 1.5 1.5 2.6 1. Group argmt.6 2.83 in 2006-911 7.5 2.9 thick orange 2006-1696 100 (25) gray 2006-1695 100 (25) “ Approvals and corresponding ratings, visit www. Leakage current case blown fuse: LED 2 mA for 1¼” miniature metric fuse Item No.5 1.5 W Series Item No.. Overload and short circuit protection Short circuit protection only Individual argmt.4 2.5 2.5 2..5 mm for carrier terminal blocks) must compensated for with intermediate plates (2.6 2. Unit 12 2006-931/1099-541 25 30 2006-931/1099-542 25 120 2006-931/1099-867 25 230 2006-931/1099-836 25 380 500 2006-931/1099-859 25 Accessories; item-specific Intermediate plate; 2. 10.4 compared 7.5 2. Group argmt.4) mm • May used disconnect plug combination with a shorting link Fuse plug dimensions Pivoting fuse holder with spare fuse holder The end plate ensures that the fuse can only removed when the fuse plug pulled out.9 mm) when building assembly of carrier terminal blocks equipped with fuse plugs.4 wide plugs, please note: The extra width the plug (10. Individual argmt.79 in 72 mm/2.wago.5 Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Technical Data 800 A Plug width: 10.5 W 2006-931 /1099-.5 W 2006-921 7.5 2..109 93,3 mm/3.4 0. .. Fused disconnect terminal blocks Miniature fuses 0,1 7,5 N L3 Open side terminal block left 2,4 7,5 N N L2 L3 N L1 Open side terminal block left www.4 2.6 2. 10.5 W 2006-931 7. Pack.5 2.5 1.5 Using fuse plugs with rail-mount terminal blocks for con- trol circuit protection highly advantageous because the function and wiring levels are separated: • additional cost for assembly and wiring • risk accidental contact with live parts when dis- connecting the fuse plug • The fuse plug completely separated from the carrier terminal block when replacing fuse away from current carrying parts • The fuse plug can removed service personnel • unintentional reclosing the circuit another person • Quickly exchange fuse using prepared “stand-by plug” Fuse plug features for quick and safe applications: • Optional LED indicates blown fuse • Top-of-unit marking slot provides clear carrier terminal block identification • Two test slots with touch contacts • Terminal blocks/plugs provide high-density wiring a width just 7.4 (10.5 W 2006-931 /099-.409 inch Fuse plug with pull-tab; with LED; gray Electrical ratings are given the fuse and blown fuse indication. When using 10.5/7.wago.6 1