TEST REPORT WAGO 249-197 Series

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249-197 SeriesScrewless End Stop, 14 mm wide, for carrier rail TH 35. Verification of the tight fit on carrier rail TH 35. Tight fit of the end stop on the carrier rail“Course of the retention force during lateral displacement”. Vibration test for equipment intended for use on railway vehiclesfollowing EN 61373:2010 (Railway applications, Category 1, Class B).

Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: Wago Electrotechnical Laboratory

Strana 5 z 6

Poznámky redaktora
cceptance criteria: • Sufficient mechanical tight fit the test samples its support, max. . Test set-up Test sam­ ple no. 24819- Assessment T fit o the er on the c< D isplace- place­ m ent id sto ps arrier rail V isual inspection of the test samples ASD level: 0,964 (m/s2)2/Hz RMS value 5,72 m/s2 (5 150 Hz) Duration: 5 each axis 1st axis 210-197 (Carrier rail in minimum width 34,7 mm) I) P 1st axis II) P R esult: The test passed. 24819) Placement accelerometer(s) the test set-ups the applied axis simulated long-life testing Accelerometer Vibration strain S ulated lon g-life st (Severity / Order testing) Carrier rail (35 mm, 1,5 thick) Item no. displacement are allowed (WAGO requirement) • changes impairing further use such cracks, deformations the like the test samples Test result: (derived from laboratory examination no