TEST REPORT WAGO 249-197 Series

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249-197 SeriesScrewless End Stop, 14 mm wide, for carrier rail TH 35. Verification of the tight fit on carrier rail TH 35. Tight fit of the end stop on the carrier rail“Course of the retention force during lateral displacement”. Vibration test for equipment intended for use on railway vehiclesfollowing EN 61373:2010 (Railway applications, Category 1, Class B).

Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: Wago Electrotechnical Laboratory

Strana 2 z 6

Poznámky redaktora
. Vibration test for equipment intended for use railway vehicles following 61373:2010 (Railway applications, Category Class B) P 4 3. 24819) 2014-03-03 (Laboratory examination no. Tight fit the end stop the carrier rail “Course the retention force during lateral displacement” I 3 2. Additional information 6 Possible test case assessments N/A not applicable passed failed informative Remark(s): Throughout this report comma used the decimal separator. KG Hansastraße 32423 Minden - Product Management Electrical Interconnections - Kind test: Product test Input date: 2013-12-02 (Laboratory examination no. 25065) 2014-05-27 (Test report) Equipment under test: Screwless End Stop, wide, for carrier rail 35 Item no: 249-197 Test sample no: 24819-x, 25065-x (Allocation see test results) Status production: 2013-12-02 Condition the test specimen(s) before the test(s): X noticeable problems Noticeable problems the test specimen(s) Start test(s): 2013-12-12 Completion test(s): 2014-03-12 Test engineer: Kuhlmann Content test report Assessment Page 1.Test location: Electrotechnical Laboratory - Accredited laboratory for electrical, mechanical and basic environmental tests terminal blocks and connectors - Hansastraße D-32423 Minden Germany Customer: AGO Kontakttechnik GmbH Co