249-197 SeriesScrewless End Stop, 14 mm wide, for carrier rail TH 35. Verification of the tight fit on carrier rail TH 35. Tight fit of the end stop on the carrier rail“Course of the retention force during lateral displacement”. Vibration test for equipment intended for use on railway vehiclesfollowing EN 61373:2010 (Railway applications, Category 1, Class B).
Support: Steel carrier rail 7,5 mm, 1,0 thick, slotted, according 60715,
item no. 210-112. 25065)
red test sample 25065-4, green test sample 25065-5, blue test sample 25065-6
R esult: The test tio purposes only, without assessment.
.Tight fit the end stop the carrier rail “Course the retention force during lateral
Test set-up:
Screwless End Stop, wide, item no.
Test result: (derived from laboratory examination no