The European Chemical Regulation REACH stands for
registration, evaluation and authorization chemicals.Environmental Product Compliance Declaration Conformity
When selecting and procuring materials, apply the highest quality
standards and adhere international standards and regulations.
In this way, Weidmüller, value-oriented company, fulfills its
responsibility environmentally conscious company.
The sale, return and proper disposal waste electrical
and disposal waste electrical and electronic equipment
within the European the European currency area governed
by the WEEE Directive (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) 2012/19/EU.38 3029140000
. The new directive came into force July
1, 2016 and largely analogous the RoHS Directive. value-oriented
company, Weidmüller assumes its responsibility within
the framework the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU. As
an environmentally conscious company Weidmüller takes its
responsibility for communication within the supply chain and
for the entire information flow within the REACH regulation. Starting with
the quality management our products based ISO
9000 ff.
Quality management systems DIN ISO 9001
In order always deliver first-class products, the highest
level quality assurance essential for us. through permanent monitoring independent
institutes who monitor our production facilities, well
as quality management and our in-house laboratory.
C. You
therefore benefit from maximum reliability and durability!
The restriction lead and nine other potentially hazardous
substances electrical and electronic equipment is
specified the EU-DirectiveRoHS. the aim this directive to
contribute sustainable development the long term.
China RoHS
Under the auspices the Chinese Ministry MIIT, the new
China RoHS Directive (SJ/T 11364-2014) was published on
January 21, 2016. Weidmüller products are also partly subject
to this directive