Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

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Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 759 z 838

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Rated impulse withstand voltage IEC 60947-7-1 Rated impulse withstand voltage the peak value surge voltage with which the terminal blocks can subjected.2 0.0 A 17.0 6. Operating conditions The terminal blocks can operated under the following normal conditions: • Ambient temperature +40 °C, mean value +35 °C • Altitude 2000 above sea level • Relative humidity: +40 °C, +20 °C C.5 41 mm2 10 35 A 101 125 mm2 50 120 A 150 192 232 269 mm2 150 185 240 300 A 309 353 415 520 Conventional free-air thermal current (Ith) The conventional thermal current free air (Ith) the highest test current for heating tests unenclosed devices (see 4.5 4.Technical requirements from the standards Rated cross-section The rated cross-section terminal block the value of the connectable wire cross-section, specified the manufacturer.5 4. The rated cross- section selected from the following standard cross- sections: 0. This serves reference for certain thermal, mechanical and electrical requirements.3.75 1. The minimum air clearance measurement defined IEC 60947-7-1 in conjunction with the rated surge voltage.) This applies exclusively to terminal blocks with multiple connection levels (multi-tier terminals) and test-disconnect terminal blocks for which current reduction permissible.1 lEC 60947-1. These rated currents cause no impermissible heat transfer the terminal: mm2 1.5 2. Terminal blocks have rated connection capacity that least two levels lower than the rated cross- section.5 2.33 3029140000 Installation C Standards and industries .5 0.2. Pollution severity IEC 60947-7-1 The pollution severity defines the influence solid, liquid or gaseous foreign matter, which may reduce the dielectric strength the specific surface resistance.0 6. Rated voltage IEC 60947-7-1 The rated voltage terminal block the rated insulation voltage which the insulation tests and creepage distances relate.0 1. The clearance distances IEC 60947-1 and IEC 60664-1 are related it.0 – 16 120 150 240 300 mm2 . determined analogously IEC 60664-1. Pollution severity has been specified for terminal blocks for industrial applications: conductive contamination occurs dry, non-conductive contamination which becomes conductive as moisture condensation may also occur. Rated current IEC 60947-7-1 Test currents are assigned the rated cross-sections according IEC 60947-7-1. The conductors can solid, stranded or flexible, possibly with conductor end pretreatment. The verification the rated cross-section performed with gauges according IEC 60947-1