Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

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Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 739 z 838

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For the terminal rail supports, Weidmüller offers fastening screws with hexagonal socket and especially low head, such that terminal blocks can also mounted above the screw. They serves attach components that cannot directly snapped onto the and particularly hold the smaller 15 top-hat rail. MB M3/M5 CRM 0503500000 MB M5/M3 0553400000 MB M6/M4 0334900000 The sliding nuts for the terminal rails are each fitted with two threaded holes for M5/M6 M4/M5 screws. Order No. Mounting feet )0 7KUHDGRUKROH IRU‘PP Type Internal thread Qty.3 1610110000 Terminal rail supports type TSTW serve for angled mounting terminal rails angle 35°. Order No. TSTW 5/M5 0178100000 TSTW 5/M5 1779100000 TSTW 6/M6 0164000000 TSTW 4. Terminal rail support 767 Type Internal thread Qty.2/TS35 without thread Mounting feet 02)8/2 02)8 02)8 Type Internal thread Qty.2/TS35 without threadFM 4. TST 2/M5 1286600000 TST 2/M6 0101700000 Type Qty. For example, small terminal blocks can firstly snapped onto the and then this rail can attached the TS using the sliding nuts.13 3029140000 C Terminal rail support 767:0 767:0YHU]LQNW 767:0 Type Internal thread Qty. Mounting plates and fastening screws FKSC M6X8 D9/SW3 0642600000 Mounting screw FKSC M5X8 D9/SW2.2/TS35 1724580000 FM 4. Order No.Installation C. Mounting accessories DIN rail support mounting feet . Order No. Order No. FM foot FM 4/TS35 0687900000 FM 5/TS35 0636800000 FM 6/TS35 0636900000 FM 4. Order No.5 0295900000 FKSC M6X12 D9/SW3 0353500000 The TST terminal rail support serves install terminal rails the frame using cut-out. MOFU 35/LO/1 0646260000 MOFU 0495660000 MOFU 35/LO/1 0646210000 Mounting feet 0% * * Type Internal thread Qty