Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 731 z 838

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Poznámky redaktora
Order No. SH Polyamide 0556660000 For busbar cross-section 5 Rail support WEW Type Material Dimensions Qty.Installation C. Polyamide with fibre glass, screwable WEW 35/1 Wemid 62.5 1227890000 WEW 35/1 Wemid 1162600000 WEW 35/2 Wemid 46.5 100 1859200000 WEW 35/2 Wemid 1061210000 For busbar cross-section 6 Mounting accessories Busbars . Order No. Order No.5 3029140000 C Rail support With metal bridge SH 2S Type Material Dimensions Qty. Order No.5 1061200000 WEW 35/1 Wemid 62. SH KrG 35.5 0641720000 For busbar cross-section 6 Rail support SH 2 Type Material Dimensions Qty. SH KrG 0494920000 The arrangement mounting rails totally insulated facilities Rail support With metal bridge SH 3 Type Material Dimensions Qty.5 1059000000 WEW 35/2 Wemid 46