Steel terminal rails are the most widespread the market. According to
VDE 0100 Part 540, protective earth conductors and neutral
conductors with wire cross-sections above mm2
may be
combined form conductor abbreviated PEN.
Our promise
Our components are aligned each other right down the finest detail and
hence make installation easier for you. One advantage low weight, another outstanding
corrosion protection.
Our installation tip
If terminal rail used PEN busbar, the following
criteria have observed:
• Only profiles made E-Cu aluminium are
• Short-circuit currents and thermal rated currents
• Insulate terminal rails with the
“protective insulation”protective measure
Stainless steel
Stainless steel collective term for all types steel (alloys)
with high degree purity and corrosion resistance.
Information and ordering data for mounting accessories available you our
online catalogue. Only then the processes run smoothly
and therefore productively.
Terminal rails
Terminal and top-hat rails for component mounting and
end brackets are important for holding and insulating the
Copper has the best electrical conductivity all metals
used. Depending the application area, offer
terminal rails made steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper
or plastic.Installation
Installation conformity with standards
With precisely matched accessories
When mounting terminal blocks and assembling panels, you must always able
to rely accessories fitting perfectly. They can used where clearance and creepage
distances the support bracket cannot achieved with
standard terminal rails. They have to
comply with numerous standards and safety regulations.
Plastic terminal rails have insulating properties and are very
light. The Weidmüller terminal blocks
with spring and screw connections fulfil the requirements
for conductors defined IEC 60947-7-2.
Use conductors PEN busbars
Under certain circumstances, you can also use terminal
rails bus bars for protective conductors (PE conductors)
or PEN conductors.2 3029140000
Mounting accessories
Aluminium has the second best electrical conductivity after
copper. The copper rail has the highest short-circuit protection.
Among metal terminal rails, they have the lowest short-
circuit protection, similar stainless steel. The requirements placed terminal rails, busbars, as
well cover plates and support brackets, are correspondingly high