Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

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Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 724 z 838

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8 8 3 A5 V-0 %{ Rated connection 0.. ZTR6-2 E • Slide link opened • Auxiliary circuit not earthed • earth fault • Display illuminated green and red with reduced intensity • Disconnected earth connection When measuring insulation resistance with voltages greater than UNom, the earth connection must disconnected.5. cross-section A/mm² Max..5.6 12 0. cond.. Order No.298 3029140000 B Technical data Rated data Rated voltage V Rated current A for wire cross-section mm² Rated impulse withstand voltage Pollution severity Gauge IEC 60947-1 flammability rating Approvals Clamped conductors Solid Stranded mm² Flexible Flexible with ferrule mm² Twin wire-end ferrule - Stripping length Blade size mm/- Note Width/Height/Depth mm max.05. clamping range mm² Ordering data Version dark beige, 230 UC dark beige, DC Note For detailed information other accessories and application the online catalogue Accessories End plate Partition plate dark beige End bracket dark beige Test adapter With spigot Screwdriver ZTR 6-2 mm² 16... current max.10 IEC CSA 60079-7 230 300 20 25 6 AWG 22. Operational malfunction ZTR6-2 E • Slide link opened • Auxiliary circuit not earthed • Earth fault • Display illuminated red Shielding and earthing Earth conductor disconnect terminals Tension clamp connection . Order No.10 0.6X3.5 mm Type Qty.2 50 20 10 0.... ZTR 6-2 230V 8817930000 ZTR 6-2 24V 8817920000 Type Qty.Application range B.6 0.6 3..5...5.5X100 2749810000 Operation mode Operating mode ZTR6-2 E • Slide link closed • Auxiliary circuit earthed • Display illuminated green Test position When measuring insulation resistance with voltages greater than UNom, the earth connection must first be disconnected.6 0.. ZAP ZDU6-2 1771440000 ZEW 9540000000 ZTA 7/ZA 1780670000 SDIS 0