Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 719 z 838

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Poznámky redaktora
.5...5 101 25 0.5.Application range B..5-10 1632320000 IEC 60947-7-1 Shielding and earthing Functional earth Screw connection .293 3029140000 B Technical data Rated data Rated voltage V Rated current A for wire cross-section mm² Rated impulse withstand voltage Pollution severity Gauge IEC 60947-1 flammability rating Approvals Clamped conductors Solid Stranded mm² Flexible Flexible with ferrule mm² Tightening torque Clamping screw Nm Stripping length Blade size mm/- 2 conductors with same cross-section (H05V/H07V) Solid Stranded mm² Flexible Flexible with ferrule mm² Note Width/Height/Depth mm max.5. WDU 16N GE/SW 2000050000 Type Qty.6 1.0 5.5..5 mm Type Qty.5.9 62....5 540 1609920000 IEC 60947-7-1 Ex II C D WDU 16N mm² 12 46. WDU GE/SW 2000040000 Type Qty.5.. Order No...16 1. cond.5... current max. Order No.25 1.25 IEC CSA 60079-7 1000 690 76 76 16 mm² 8 3 B7 V-0 ¿%i DEMKO14ATEX1338U Rated connection Further connection 8 3 B7 V-0 %a Rated connection Further connection 1.4 4) 12 1.16 1.25 IEC CSA 60079-7 690 600 76 70 16 AWG 14.6 Type Qty....25 1.16 3.16 1..4 5) 16 1..5-10 1050100000 WAP 16+35 WTW 2. Order No....5..6 1.5-10 1050180000 WEW 35/1 1059000000 WAD GE/SW 2445090000 WAD 2445070000 DEK 5/5 1000 1609801044 WS 12/6.. Order No....5.5 101 25 1..5.2. clamping range mm² Ordering data Version yellow/black Note For detailed information other accessories and application the online catalogue Accessories Screwable cross-connection 2-pole 3-pole 4-pole 10-pole End plate Partition plate dark beige Blue End bracket dark beige, screwable dark beige Cover black/yellow white With lightning flash symbol Additional connection 4mm2 10 mm2 Marking tags Testing Checking Standard WDU mm² 11.. WQV 16/2 101 1053260000 WQV 16/10 101 1053360000 WAP 16+35 WTW 2.6 1.2.5. WQV 16N/2 1636560000 WQV 16N/4 1636580000 WTW 1058800000 WEW 35/2 1061200000 DEK 5/5 1000 1609801044 WS 10/12 300 1905970000 WTA WDU2.5 mm 1.0 5...16 1.. cross-section A/mm² Max....82.25 1