Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 714 z 838

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Poznámky redaktora
.0 5..5 125 35 2.5X150 2749380000 AAM 35-185 FLASH 2635600000 WS-A 8/16 200 2619910000 IEC 60947-7-1 A2C mm² 16 135 71.. ZQV 35N/2 125 2634950000 ZQV 35N-10 2562670000 ZQV 35N-16 2562660000 AEB SC/1 1991920000 AEB SCL/1 2661280000 ATPG 1.0 0310000000 SDS 1.... ZQV 35N/2 125 2634950000 ZQV 35N-10 2562670000 ZQV 35N-16 2562660000 AEB SC/1 1991920000 AEB SCL/1 2661280000 ATPG 1.5X150 2749380000 AAM 35-185 FLASH 2635600000 WS-A 8/16 200 2619910000 IEC 60947-7-1 Shielding and earthing Functional earth PUSH connection .0 5.5-10 0. cross-section A/mm² Max.2 1991890000 PS 2.5..5....2 mm² 8 3 / V-0 ¿%  Rated connection 2. clamping range mm² Ordering data Version yellow/black Note For detailed information other accessories and application the online catalogue Accessories Plug-in cross-connection 2-pole 2-pole 2-pole End bracket dark beige, screwable dark beige, direct mounting Test adapter 1-pole Test plug Screwdriver Standard Warning labels Marking tags A2C mm² 16 101.5 mm Type Qty...5...0X5.288 3029140000 B Technical data Rated data Rated voltage V Rated current A for wire cross-section mm² Rated impulse withstand voltage Pollution severity Gauge IEC 60947-1 flammability rating Approvals Clamped conductors Solid Stranded mm² Flexible Flexible with ferrule mm² Twin wire-end ferrule mm² Stripping length Blade size mm/- Note Width/Height/Depth mm max.16 10...2 AWG 12.35 2. Order No.. Order No..5 71.35 2..5...10 25 1...5. A2C 2552160000 Type Qty..0 0310000000 SDS 1..5.35 2.35 10..Application range B. cond.. current max... A2C 2551530000 Type Qty.35 IEC CSA 60079-7 1000 1000 880 125 105 35 AWG 12.35 IEC CSA 60079-7 1000 1000 880 125 105 35 AWG 12..10 25 1.2 mm² 8 3 / V-0 ¿%  Rated connection 2.0X5.35 10. Order No. Order No.2 1991890000 PS 2.35 2.5 mm Type Qty..2 AWG 0..16 10.5 125 35 2