The symbols used are extended
in order clarify the use functional earth.
Symbol for functional earth:
Symbol for protection earth:
Type Qty.279
ZPE 2.5 100 1010010000
Type Qty.5 2690470000
A2C 2734150000
A2C 2734160000
A2C 2734170000
with PUSH technology
Type Qty.
WPE 2.Shielding and earthing
Functional earth
Practical tip
Functional earth terminal blocks
According the Machinery Directive 2006/42EG,
terminal blocks may white when used for functional
earthing. Order No. Order No. terminals with protective function for life
and limb must still green-yellow, but can also used
for functional earthing.5/4AN 1698110000
with clamping-yoke technology
with tension spring technology
B. Order No.
A2C 2. The
colour these terminals clearly indicates that the
respective circuits are exclusively provide functional
protection for the connected electronic system.5 2690460000
A4C 2.
Weidmüller offers white terminals from the
”A-, and series“ product family for systems in
which this distinction should must made