Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 703 z 838

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cm • Cleaner working without drilling chips the floor channel Benefits: • Simple wiring due small space requirement • More cost-effective wiring the equipotential bonding system • Use several product compensation clamps without additional costs • Possibility setting close-meshed equipotential bonding system • Achieving low impedance equipotential bonding B. The new small equipotential bonding terminals 16-50 offer efficient solution for fixing conductors the equipotential bonding the cable duct.277 3029140000 B . Benefits: • Easier and more efficient wiring without drilling • Punching holes without special tools • High flexibility due small hole spacing max.Application range Shielding and earthing Potential equalisation terminal block Innovations equipotential bonding In cooperation with Weidmüller, market-leading floor trunking manufacturers have developed new solution with pre-prepared cut-outs for equipotential bonding. This includes the addition punchable holes simplify wiring. This is particularly interesting for applications where the conductor must routed through cable duct over long distances without stubs