Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 698 z 838

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Large-area labeling The carrier housing offers sufficient space to clearly mark the component with the 27/8 marker. Integrated high pass The frequency filter the shielding bracket prevents potential carry over the line shield.Shielding and earthing Shield clamping saddle Discharge interference currents without different ground levels Klippon® Connect shielding bracket KLBÜ with filter If possible, interference currents should discharged the near end the line. Color differentiation makes the marking particularly clear. Tested vibration safety The KLBÜ-RC series has been tested for vibration. meets the requirements railroad and wind power plants and can used in mobile installations. Flexible mounting Whether top-hat rail the C-rail TS 27: The support system flexible thanks to two flexible mounting options.272 3029140000 Application range B . However, distant ground levels usually cause unwanted equalizing currents. The built-in high-pass filter blocks low-frequency currents and at the same time ensures safe noise conduction the near end. B. The active shielding bracket adapts optimally its enviroment. KLBÜ shielding brackets enable the optimal discharge interference currents without different ground levels, well as the associated equipotential bonding and the capacitance coating on the cable. Disturbing equalizing currents are effectively suppressed