Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 686 z 838

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Application range Entry: Electromagnetic Compatibility The term Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) describes the ability electrical equipment function faultlessly electromagnetically-loaded environment, e. Other consequences could the total failure of piece equipment, system with economic or material damage, even personal injury.260 3029140000 B . industrial plant, without influencing the environment. Interference sources Sources interference exist many forms.g. distinction is made between natural sources interference such as atmospheric discharge electrostatic discharge and artificial sources interference such radio (intentional) or frequency converters (unintentional). Electromagnetic pulses can cause equipment disturbed, damaged or destroyed. But the common feature all interference sources the emission of electronic magnetic energy, which influences electrical equipment and prevents fault-free operation. Coupling Coupling the transmission electrical energy from one electric circuit another. The consequences of inadequate EMC can range from disturbances normal use damage or destruction equipment with the added risks economic damage and/or personal injury. Shielding and earthing Interference sink Coupling section Störsenke Transmitter Path Receiver Countermeasures B. Interference sinks Interference sinks encompass electrical equipment that can be influenced sources interference