Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 663 z 838

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8. The transition from the comparative measurement status back the initial position realised smoothly and safely. Pressing down the TTB CM lever link Pressing down the TTB lever link restores the mechanical connection the two disconnect levers within the application. Disconnecting the reference measuring instrument The reference measurement instrument is therefore disconnected from the installation by simply removing its plugs from the test sockets the terminal block and the installation restored the initial status CT A A v CT A A v CT A A v CT A v Instrument transformer wiring TTB-Range B.Performing the comparative reading of the two ammeters The values measured the ammeter connected downstream can now compared with the values given the reference meter since both instruments are reading the same current. 6. The comparison measurement has now been successfully completed and the correct functional verification the ammeter connected downstream the terminal has been carried out. 7. Restoring the lever link back into original position Switching backwards the lever, restores the entire arrangement into its original status.237 3029140000 Application range B 9$