Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 658 z 838

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2. 4. Once mounted, the short circuit bridge cannot removed from the application. SCCB TTB short circuit bridge installation progress The short circuit bridge inserted quickly and easily the transformer side the terminal block it´s deidcated channel. SCCB TTB short circuit bridge installation completed When inserted, depending the position the disconnect lever, electrical connection (short circuit) between the two terminal blocks can be realised. 3. v Application examples Changing Protection/Metering device B. TTB lever link installation completed The mechanical connection between the lever mechanisms allows simultaneous opening or closing two more disconnect levers.232 3029140000 Application range B 9$ Instrument transformer wiring TTB-Range . Once mounted, the lever link cannot removed from the application.Planning and installation: Equipping the terminal blocks with accessories 1. TTB lever link installation progress The lever link plugged into the housings the disconnect lever the respective terminal blocks from above and creates mechanical connection between them