Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 651 z 838

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225 3029140000 Application range B 9$ Instrument transformer wiring TTB-Range PUSH connection . The circuit can equally safely and completely opened completing the rotation the lever the left. For current trasformer assisted circuits, the other hand paramount importance perform preliminary shorting prior any circuit opening. likewise manner, the same circuit status can obtained by bringing the lever into its middle position. B. CT A N N Normal operation circuits In normal operation, the plug fully inserted. Make Before Break (MBB)– circuits Throughout cabinet operational life during assembly verifications, the circuit must be disconnected allow further operations. To so, the plug partially extracted from the terminals. The circuit closed and the current flows via the terminal blocks and the plug. Before extraction fully completed, short circuit established between its two poles. Disconnect short circuit circuits To fully allow consequent operations, the plug completely extracted from the base terminals, thus maintaining the previously established short circuit between its poles and subsequently opening the circuit. As result the system allows the operator to enjoy redundant Make Before Break contact. CT A N N N N CT A N N CT A N N CT A N N CT A Voltage circuits not require special operational safety other than avoiding short circuit the secondary wiring used