Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 606 z 838

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Simple handling and clarity also need guaranteed. Our terminal blocks for building installations meet all requirements here. Our promise Our terminal blocks open added-value options when comes wiring your building infrastructure. Thanks the wide product range and the comfortable handling the PUSH terminal blocks, Klippon® Connect helps improve flexibility and efficiency even from the planning phase. Installation distribution and small distributors offer little space for wiring. The solutions need both economical and compact. For example, the PUSH technology allows particularly compact design while retaining its clarity, thus enabling simple and safe wiring your building infrastructure.180 3029140000 Application range B . B.Building installation wiring Compact planning, structured wiring Klippon® Connect makes your installation wiring more effective Installation wiring poses particular challenges terms the design terminal blocks