Strana 599 z 838
Poznámky redaktora
5 mm
With BLZ plug the nominal current reduced 15.6 3.08
IEC CSA 60079-7
250 300 300
24 26
2.5 mm²
5.5 A..5
Type Qty.2..
Type Qty.5.5N/2 1527540000
ZQV 2.Application
B. Order No.5X100 2749340000
DEK 5/5 1000 1609801044
WS 10/5 720 1792000000
IEC 61984, accordance with IEC
WMF 2.5 1142990000
WEW 35/2 1061200000
SDS 0.4
0.5 1142990000
WEW 35/1 1059000000
SDS 0.4
BLZ 5..5.. Order No.6X3.4
BLZ 5.5.5 BLZ 1143000000
Type Qty.
WMF 2..5 mm
With BLZ plug the nominal current reduced 15.. cross-section A
8 3
A3 V-0
% {
Rated connection
0...5N/10 1527690000
AP WMF2.0. cond. clamping range mm²
Ordering data
dark beige
For detailed information other accessories and
application the online catalogue
Plug-in cross-connection
End plate Partition plate
dark beige
End bracket
dark beige, screwable
dark beige
Screwdriver PH2
Holder for cartridge fuse mm
400 AC/DC, without LED
10 AC/DC, red LED
140 250 AC/DC, red LED
Module connector (max, 250 V)
without fittings
with wire jumper
With 1N4007 diode
Disconnect plug
removable, replacement for release lever
Marking tags
WMF 2.5X100 2749340000
SIHA 3/G20 6.5..4 0..
WMF 2.08 44.5. Order No.5 BLZ 2.6 3)
10 0.3 7921560000
SIHA 3/G20/LD 10-36V 7921570000
SIHA 3/G20/LD 140-250V 7921600000
FUCR 1167630000
FUCR 10-36V 1167640000
FUCR 100-250V 1167680000
BEST 1833100000
BEST/DRBR 1878570000
BEST/D 1878560000
TNST 1833090000
DEK 5/5 1000 1609801044
WS 10/5 720 1635000000
IEC 61984, accordance with IEC
Signal marshalling
Screw connection
20 4
0.5.0....5 BLZ 2.4 1.5 AWG 26.5...6 3)
10 0..173
Technical data
Rated data
Rated voltage V
Rated current A
for wire cross-section mm²
Rated impulse withstand voltage Pollution severity
Gauge IEC 60947-1 flammability rating
Clamped conductors
Solid Stranded mm²
Flexible Flexible with ferrule mm²
Tightening torque Clamping screw Nm
Stripping length Blade size mm/-
Width/Height/Depth mm
max.12 AWG 26.5 mm²
IEC CSA 60079-7
250 300 300
20 19
8 3
A3 V-0
% {
Rated connection
ZQV 2.5N/2 1527540000
ZQV 2.5 AWG 26..4
0.4 0.5
0. Order No.5
32 4
0......12 AWG 26..5..5 A.. current max.4 1.
ZQV 2.5..6 3.5..5N/10 1527690000
AP WMF2..6X3.08 44... BLZ 1143050000
Type Qty