Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 5 z 838

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Poznámky redaktora
Higher availability during operation in the long term • Simpler testing procedure thanks to integrated test point • Hot rewiring possible without special tools thanks PUSH technology with pushers • Gas-tight and vibration-resistant connections for interference-free operation • Flexible, simple modification and extension Up percent engineering • Faster planning with the Weidmüller Configurator • Error-free configuration through compatibility checks on products and accessories • High level transparency throughout the entire process thanks linked data models • Easy creation product documentation High wiring density with maximum ease installation • Noticeably faster wiring with PUSH technology • All product functions can be clearly distinguished • Flexible potential distribution thanks various cross- connection options • Faster marking thanks to endless marker strip and large marking surfaces , Q V W D O O D W L R Q 2SHUDWLRQ 3 O D Q Q L Q J III 3029140000 Overview Panel process . ensure that you achieve the greatest possible level of efficiency this process, have continuously examined the optimisation potential the individual phases planning, installation and operation and how they interlink with one another. The fully installed panel can then put into operation. The panel components are marked, wired and checked. here that the foundations for optimum set-up are laid.Achieving greater productivity one step time Every panel building process starts the planning stage. The result innovative products and services that support you all the stages the panel building process. Once there plan place, preparatory work and installation can start