Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 478 z 838

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Our promise Rapid installation and flexible combination options with Klippon® Connect, for simple, space-saving installation and increased productivity the construction of switchgear and panel.52 3029140000 B .Power distribution The secure and efficient way distributing power Klippon® Connect provides the required flexibility Safe power supply equipment such motors decisive for the availability of plants and machines. Application range B. This makes the design your power distribution system noticeably more efficient. The use increasingly large wire cross-sections and restricted space the panel increasing the demands terminal blocks and distribution blocks and posing new challenges for panel planners. The variety possible combinations gives you just what you need for all power distribution requirements and enables compact panel design. Our comprehensive product range for power distribution ensures excellent flexibility, even the planning stages