Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 474 z 838

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Poznámky redaktora
WPD 232 2X185/2X185 2502800000 WPD 232 2X185/2X185 2502810000 WPD 232 2X185/2X185 2502820000 WPD 232 2X185/2X185 2502830000 WPD 232 2X185/2X185 2502840000 Type Qty. Order No. WPDPC X32 2503380000 WEW 35/2 7042 100 1859200000 AEB SC/1 2475310000 SK WSD-S 1,5-10,0 9008850000 DEK 5/5 1000 1609801044 WS 8/5 800 2007150000 WPD 232 185 mm² 67,6 105 73. Order No.5…6 29 M18 (SW 10) 10 (+/- PZ2) see appendix the end the chapter Type Qty. WPD 132 1X185/1X185 2502750000 WPD 132 1X185/1X185 2502760000 WPD 132 1X185/1X185 2502770000 WPD 132 1X185/1X185 2502780000 WPD 132 1X185/1X185 2502790000 Type Qty.5…10 25…150 1.48 3029140000 Application range B Power feed-in Screw connection .5…10 1. Order No. conductor A/mm² max. clamping range mm² Technical data Rated data Rated voltage V Rated current A for wire cross-section 185 mm² mm² Auxiliary connection mm² mm² Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR) Rated impulse withstand voltage Pollution severity Overvoltage category flammability rating Approvals Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Solid Stranded 185 mm² mm² Auxiliary connection mm² mm² Flexible with ferrule 185 mm² mm² Auxiliary connection mm² mm² Stripping length Blade size 185 mm² mm/– Auxiliary connection mm² mm/– Tightening torque Nm Note Ordering data Version light grey blue green brown black Note Accessories Protective cover light grey End bracket grey black Screwdriver SET Identification systems WPD 132 185 mm² 37,5 105 73. WPDPC X32 2503380000 WEW 35/2 7042 100 1859200000 AEB SC/1 2475310000 SK WSD-S 1,5-10,0 9008850000 DEK 5/5 1000 1609801044 WS 8/5 800 2007150000 B.5 185 mm² 185 mm² 10 mm² 185 mm²185 mm² 10 mm² 353 185 25…185 IEC 60947-7-1 II GD Ex IIC Gb IEC CSA 60079-7 1000 1000 1100 353 310 353 185 AWG 4…kcmil 350 185 6 AWG 16…8 6 100 kA 8 3 III V-0 CNEX18ATEX0016U Rated connection 95…185 95…185 1. Order No.5…10 1.5…6 29 M18 (SW 10) 10 (+/- PZ2) see appendix the end the chapter Imax: 706 with the connection 185 mm² Type Qty. current max.5…10 25…150 1.W-Series WPD 132 1X185/1X185 Width Height Depth mm max.5 185 mm² 185 mm² 10 mm² 353 185 25…185 IEC 60947-7-1 II GD Ex IIC Gb IEC CSA 60079-7 1000 1000 1100 353 310 353 185 AWG 4…kcmil 350 185 6 AWG 16…8 6 100 kA 8 3 III V-0 CNEX18ATEX0016U Rated connection 95…185 95…185 1