Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

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Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 438 z 838

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2 black 1991890000 12 Test probes 2.5/LL 2M/ST/ZN 7. The comprehensive accessories the Klippon® Connect portfolio are perfectly matched down the last detail.Power feed-in PUSH connection ① ② ③ ④ ⑥ ⑦ ⑬ ⑫ ⑩ ⑪ ⑧ ⑨ ⑤ Number Description Type Rated voltage Rated current Dimensions Colour Qty. This facilitates mounting while adhering to required norms.5X150 1.2 red 0310000000 13 Additional voltage tap AAC 2X6 1000 1500 dark beige 2583090000 13 Additional voltage tap AAC 2X6 1000 1500 blue 2583170000 13 Additional voltage tap AAC 2X6 BK-YL 1000 1500 black/yellow 2583190000 13 Additional voltage tap AAC 2X6 GN-YL 1000 1500 green/yellow 2583180000 Mounting compliance with norms Thanks precisely matched accessories When assembling terminal blocks and equipping panels you must able to rely the fact, that the accessories are also perfectly matched.5 grey 100 1283470000 2 Terminal rail 35X7. B.12 3029140000 Application range B . Order No. 1 End plate terminal rail END CAP 35X7.5 2000 silver 0514500000 3 End bracket AEB SC/1 dark beige 1991920000 4 Step-down bridges ZQV 35N-10 1000 1500 orange 2562670000 5 Step-down bridges ZQV 35N-16 1000 1500 orange 2562660000 6 Screwdriver SDS 1. Only then can the processes run smoothly and productively.0 5.0X5.5 150 black/orange 2749380000 7 Voltage tester DIGI PRO 1000 1000 264 black/orange 9918870000 8 Warning cover AAM 35-185 FLASH yellow 2635600000 9 Terminal marker WS-A 8/16 white 200 2619910000 10 Cross-connector ZQV 35N/2 1000 1500 orange 2634950000 11 Test adapter ATPG 1. They must comply with numerous norms and protective provisions.5-10 250 250 0.0 250 250 0. Correspondingly there are high requirements for mounting rails, cross-connections and cover plates well as additional connections.5 7