Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 406 z 838

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The fixing nut tightened with simple screwdriver create secure connection between terminal block and eyelet. Your special advantages: • All terminal blocks the SRL family are protected IP20 • The finger-safe construction makes additional covers unnecessary • Two cable lugs can also connected without compromising safety • SRL STB terminals have hexagon socket screws to accept standard (D) 4.392 3029140000 .3 test adapters • The variants SRL and SRL are additionally available with internal and external cross-connection options A Universal range A. The fixing nuts remain captive the hinged plastic carrier. The wire connected first crimped onto a ring fork eyelet and then attached the busbar the terminal block. For connection, the plastic carrier lifted, the conductor inserted with the eyelet, and the plastic carrier returned its initial position.Screw connection with stud technology Feed-through terminal blocks SRL Connect ring lugs quickly and safely Klippon® Connect SRL Range with stud technology Our SRL terminals are best suited for applications where connections are subjected strong vibrations