Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 263 z 838

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Poznámky redaktora
5 N/3AN ZQV 2.5 4AN ZQV 2.5 mm2 48 A 25 mm2 48 A ZDU ZQV mm2 64 A 25 mm2 66 100 A ZDU ZQV mm2 76 A 25 mm2 82 100 A Integrated partition plate Output possible left and right Imax = Σ (right) Imax = Σ (left) (right) Imax = Σ (left) Spring connection with tension clamp technology (Z-Series) Accessories Electrical supply A.5 3AN ZQV 2.5 4AN ZQV 1.5 3AN ZQV 2.5 •2 ) •2 ) ZTR 2.5 • ZDU 2.5 ZQV 1.5 ZQV 2.249 3029140000 A Universal range .5 ZQV 2.5 • ZDU 1.5 ZQV 2.5 •2 ) •2 ) ZTR 2.5 • ZDU 2.5 • ZDU 2.5 • Feed terminal Output terminal Cross-connection Supply left Supply right ZEI ZDU 1.5 • ZDU ZQV • ZDU 3AN ZQV •1 ) ZDU 4AN ZQV •1 ) ZDU ZQV • ZDU 3AN ZQV • ZTR 2. The following tables show number options for distributing current the supply point, together with corresponding cross-connections and the maximum current.5 • ZDU 1.5 4AN ZQV 2. Standard cross-connections then distribute the current any number terminals with smaller cross-sectional area.5 • 1) mit IEPL mit QVAR second pole must broke out ZEI supply terminal The ZEI supply terminal can used for supplying current conductor cross-section mm2 . Maximum current flow Imax only with ZEI 16 Feed terminal Cross-connection Supply conductor cross-section area Supply left right Supply middle ZDU 2.5 mm2 48 A 25 mm2 48 A ZDU 2.Output options and corresponding cross-connections Feed terminal Output terminal Cross-connection Supply left Supply right ZEI ZDU 2.5N /4AN ZQV 2.5 ZQV 2.5 3AN ZQV 1.5 • ZDU 2.5/4AN ZQV 2.5 • ZDU 2