Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 255 z 838

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2.2...5 0.5.1..12 AWG 26.7V Type Qty.5 0..5 1. Order No.5 1 2.14 6 3 A2 V-0 %a Rated connection 0.5/1.5/10 1608940000 ZAP/TW7 1706110000 ZEW 9540000000 SDIS SLIM mm 1N4007 1A 1300V 0.. Order No..5 0.5 1748800000 ZAP/TW ZDK2..5 43.5.5 0. ZQV 2. Type Qty..5 10 0.5. ZDK 2.. Order No.5.5 mm Type Qty.5 mm² 5..5 AWG 26.5X100 2749610000 DEK 5/5 1000 1609801044 DEK 5/5 800 2007110000 WS 8/5 800 2007150000 IEC 60947-7-1 Double-level terminal ZDK 2.5 AWG 26.5-2/D- 1779000000 Type Qty. Order No.1 IEC CSA 60079-7 400 600 600 0.6 3.2.5 10 0.5 2..5 53 20 2.2.241 3029140000 Diode circuit ZDU 2.5-2/D- 2..5 1674730000 ZEW 9540000000 SDIS SLIM 0..5....5. ZDU 2..5 mm² 5.5 0..5 IEC CSA 60079-7 500 300 20 15 2.5 1694140000 ZVQ 2.6X3.A Universal range A.1 50..5 1768800000 ZDK 2.12 6 3 A2 V-0 Diode 4007 / % a Rated connection 0.2.5 (1720700000) connects the upper and lower layer..5X100 2749610000 DEK 5/5 1000 1609801044 WS 12/5 720 1609860000 DEK 5/5 800 2007110000 WS 8/5 800 2007150000 IEC 60947-7-1 Spring connection with tension clamp technology (Z-Series) Terminal blocks with electronic components .5/2 1608860000 ZQV 2.5 0. ZQV 2.5/2 1608860000 ZQV 2.5/10 1608940000 ZAP/TW ZDK2.6 3.5 2.