Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 13 z 838

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Ready for shipment after working days Ready for shipment after working days Shipping time depends the destination region XI 3029140000 Overview Klippon® Services . With Fast Delivery, you can speed all your processes and reliably meet your delivery commitments. Therefore, you have stock many required components your warehouse.$GGHGYDOXH <RXUDVVHPEOHG SURGXFW )DVW'HOLYHU\ )DVW2IIHU 7KHLGHDOVROXWLRQIRU YHU\GHPDQGLQJGHOLYHU\ VFKHGXOHV )DVWSULFHIRU IXOOEDQGZLGWK 2IIHUSURYLGHG LQPLQXWHV $YDLODEOHLQFOXGLQJRUGHU QXPEHUVIRUGLUHFWRUGHULQJ $VVHPEO\LQ TXDQWLWLHVRI 5HOLDEOH GHOLYHU\ 5HDG\WRLQVWDOODVVHPEO\WKDWPHHWV \RXULQGLYLGXDOVSHFLILFDWLRQV $XWRPDWHGPDQXIDFWXULQJDQG GLUHFWVKLSPHQWIURP*HUPDQ\ ‡ 'D\'HOLYHU\HXURSHZLGH ‡ 6HOHFWHGSURGXFWUDQJH ‡ 'D\'HOLYHU\HXURSHZLGH ‡ :LGHUDQJHRISURGXFWV ‡ ‡ 'LUHFWRIIHU ,QGLYLGXDOFRQILJXUDWLRQ 6LPSO\FRQILJXUH\RXUDVVHPEOHG WHUPLQDOVWULS\RXUHPSW\HQFORVXUH RU\RXUDVVHPEOHGHQFORVXUHZLWKRXU :HLGPOOHU&RQILJXUDWRU 9DOLGIRURUGHUVIURP*HUPDQ\ EO G EO G Determine your own delivery time thanks Fast Delivery Service We offer the choice between service levels Your advantages glance with our Fast Delivery Service Reduce your costs Your plants are becoming more and more specific and complex. Meet your delivery commitments You must complete and deliver your individual plants within tight time frames. Otherwise, your customers face high costs due delays and production downtimes. This increases your flexibility. With Fast Delivery, you get individual terminal strips and enclosures from batch size and you receive them ready for installation. Increase your flexibility More and more often you have to manufacture small quantities of plants and prepared for shortterm changes. With Fast Delivery, you receive complete assembled products – and can significantly minimise your purchasing and storage costs