Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 124 z 838

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Poznámky redaktora
Order No.A Universal range A.0 mm² Note APGSR Strain reliefs Type Qty.5 L • Marking option Ordering data Single plates Start plate Middle plate End plate Cover Note APG 1.5 2485980000 APG 2.5 1513980000 MCV APG 2.5 2035590000 APG 4 Type Qty. Each individual plate is available green (GN) and beige (BE).5 mm² 2.5 1513930000 APG 2.5 2976170000 APG 2.5 1513850000 APG 2.5 mm² mm² 2.5 mm² mm² 2.5 2482740000 APGSR 1.5 2976180000 APG 2. APGSR 1.5 2482280000 APG 1. Order No.5 2482730000 APGSR 1.5 1513840000 APG 2. FRPSOHWHSROHQXPEHUQ [6WDUWSODWH $3*/ [0LGGOHSODWH $3*0, [(QGSODWH $3*5 [&RYHU 0&9$3* .5 2482300000 APG 1.5/4 2457580000 APGSR 2.5 mm² 1.5 1513830000 APG 2.5/4 2457600000 APGSR 2762390000 Application Spring connection with PUSH technology (A-Series) Pluggable terminal blocks Accessories Single plates for individual assembly The individual plates increase flexibility providing solution for every task.5 2482260000 APG 1. The plug-in connector assembled directly on- site line with application requirements.5 mm² mm² 6.5 1513940000 APG 2.5 2482750000 APGSR 2. Order No. APG 1.5 2482310000 APG 1.5 2976160000 APG 2.5 Type Qty.5 2482270000 APG 1.5 1513900000 APG 2.5 mm² 1.5 2482250000 APG 1.5/4 2457590000 APGSR 2.5 2482290000 APG 1. APG 2.5 1513950000 APG 2.5 2482320000 APG 1.5 Type Qty.5 1513880000 APG 2. Order No.5 2482330000 MCV APG 1.110 3029140000 Plug • Single plates, plug APG 1. APG 2540360000 APG 2540560000 APG 2540570000 APG 2540580000 APG 2540590000 APG 2540600000 APG 2540610000 APG 2540620000 APG 2540630000 MCV APG 2540800000 Strain relief • APGSR Strain relief transmits mechanical forces the plastic housing and protects the contact point Ordering data 1