Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 124 z 838

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5 1513940000 APG 2.5 2976180000 APG 2. Order No.5 2482250000 APG 1. Order No.5 2482260000 APG 1. Order No.5 1513830000 APG 2.A Universal range A. The plug-in connector assembled directly on- site line with application requirements. Each individual plate is available green (GN) and beige (BE).5 2482290000 APG 1. APG 2.5 mm² mm² 2.5 1513950000 APG 2.5 1513930000 APG 2.110 3029140000 Plug • Single plates, plug APG 1.0 mm² Note APGSR Strain reliefs Type Qty.5 2482320000 APG 1. APG 2540360000 APG 2540560000 APG 2540570000 APG 2540580000 APG 2540590000 APG 2540600000 APG 2540610000 APG 2540620000 APG 2540630000 MCV APG 2540800000 Strain relief • APGSR Strain relief transmits mechanical forces the plastic housing and protects the contact point Ordering data 1.5 2976170000 APG 2.5 L • Marking option Ordering data Single plates Start plate Middle plate End plate Cover Note APG 1.5 2485980000 APG 2.5 2482740000 APGSR 1.5 2976160000 APG 2.5 2482300000 APG 1.5 2482270000 APG 1.5 mm² mm² 2. APG 1.5/4 2457590000 APGSR 2.5/4 2457600000 APGSR 2762390000 Application Spring connection with PUSH technology (A-Series) Pluggable terminal blocks Accessories Single plates for individual assembly The individual plates increase flexibility providing solution for every task.5 1513840000 APG 2. FRPSOHWHSROHQXPEHUQ [6WDUWSODWH $3*/ [0LGGOHSODWH $3*0, [(QGSODWH $3*5 [&RYHU 0&9$3* . Order No.5 mm² 2.5 2482730000 APGSR 1.5 mm² 1.5 1513850000 APG 2.5 1513900000 APG 2.5 mm² mm² 6.5/4 2457580000 APGSR 2. APGSR 1.5 2482330000 MCV APG 1.5 2035590000 APG 4 Type Qty.5 2482750000 APGSR 2.5 2482310000 APG 1.5 2482280000 APG 1.5 1513880000 APG 2.5 1513980000 MCV APG 2.5 Type Qty.5 Type Qty.5 mm² 1