System Elpress terminals and tools

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95%, tin plated Cu/Sn. mm² (Cu) AWG Cu Name d mm D Tool Pcs/ pack Die 7-12 KS10P PVL350, V600, DV1300, DV250 250 8 12,5-18,5 KS16P PVL350, V600, DV1300, DV250 250 9 20-31 KS25P PVL350, V600, DV1300, DV250 200 11 31-41 KS35P PVL350, V600, DV1300, DV250 100 13 45-56 1/0 KS50P 14,5 PVL350, V600, DV1300, DV250 100 14,5 60-85 2/0 KS70P PVL350, V600, DV1300, DV250 100 17 86-111 4/0 KS95P V600, DV1300, DV250 100 20 111-130 250 KS120P V600, DV1300, DV250 100 22 136-166 300 KS150P V600, DV1300, DV250 25 170-210 350 KS185P DV1300, DV250 27 220-255 500 KS240P DV1300, DV250 30 300 600 KS300P DV1300, DV250 32 400 750 KS400P DV1300, DV250 38 500 1000 KS500P DV250, V1470 42 630 1250 KS630P DV250, V1470 50 CUT through connectors for single strand conductors mm² • Material: 99. • For single-wire conductors (acc. • For multi-stranded conductors Elpress recommends the Dual system. IEC 60228 class 1).95%, tin plated Cu/Sn. • For stranded (class and multi-stranded (class conductors.4:19 04 KSxP parallel connectors for conductors total 630 mm² • Material: 99. mm² (Cu) AWG Cu Name d mm D Tool Pcs/ pack 6 CUT6 ES2258, T2258 100 10 CUT10 ES2258, T2258 100 16 CUT16 15,5 ES2258, T2258 100 s strip length The Elpress logo included the marking.