System Elpress terminals and tools

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4:2 General information about terminals System Elpress System Elpress consists terminals and tools that are designed and tested to- gether give certified crimping result. Crimp sequence for two crimps. Number crimps Normally one crimp required to and including 150 mm² and two three crimps for larger areas. Marking tube terminals 25 (on neck) Type No. Note, however, that another number crimps may be needed some cases, see tables for tool dies. DNV-approved terminals Elpress KR/KS, KRF/KSF and KRT/KST ter- minals meet DNV’s rules for classification of ships and Det Norske Veritas’Offshore Standards. possible, crimps should placed next each other with couple mm spacing between each one. This system allows checks that the correct tools have been used when contact crimping because the die number automatically becomes embossed during the contact crimping. Terminals type KRD/KRT and through connectors type KSD/KST are normally used for stranded Cu conductors from and including 500 mm². For flexible and stranded conductors, terminals of type KR/KRF and through connectors of type KS/KSF are used. By using Elpress Cu-connection elements to- gether with one Elpress crimp systems one obtains connection that has been tested according the requirements of IEC 61238:1. Cu terminals Elpress copper connectors are made of pure copper 99. Crimp sequence for three crimps. Overlap is sometimes inevitable. for hexagonal die (Elpress logo) 150 (on the palm) 150 conductor mm² 12 Hole size F KRF Marking through connectors Elpress Logo Type No. Terminals type KR/KRF/KRD/ KRT are used mainly termination to bus bars and apparatus copper, while through connectors, type KS/KSF/KSD/ KST, are used mainly the splicing of copper conductors cable assemblies. manufacture tube terminals type KR/KRF/KRD/KRT, through connectors type KS/KSF/KSD/ KST for stranded conductors, IEC 60228 class and multi-stranded conductors IEC 60228 class such C-sleeves primarily pre-splicing Cu-lines and many customised products.95%. Marking terminals Elpress marking system for copper termi- nals shows logotype, cable area and type number for hexagonal die. They can also used for straight splicing of earth conductors. E205350. With branching sleeve, type one splices and branches earth conductors, lightning conductor installations and the like. UL-approved terminals KR/KS, KRF/KSF, KRFS, KRFN, KRT/KST UL approved accordance with file no. The terminals are approved for installations ships and mobile “offshore”units. for hexagonal die 16 (possible screened conductor area and earthing sign) 16 conductor mm² F KSF Marking C-sleeves (example C70-95) Area marking (side 1) 25-120 140-190 min max (mm² per conductor) min max (total mm² the sleeve) Elpress logo, Die number (side 2) BCx, "x" corresponds die number . This ensures that users will feel confi- dent when using our systems, and that a secure connection achieved through the proper handling our products