System Elpress terminals and tools

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Poznámky redaktora
mm² AWG Name Crimp geometry Net weight (kg) Length mm Width 0,5-6 20-10 GRB0560 Roll 0,555 203 76 0,5-6 20-10 GRB0560C Roll 0,615 256 80 GWB4099 and GWB4099C Crimp geometry Tested and certified mechanical Miniforce hand tool for crimping uninsulated ring, fork and pin terminals well tube terminals and through connectors type and 4-10 mm².5-6 mm². mm² AWG Name Crimp geometry Net weight (kg) Length mm Width 4-10 12-8 GWB4010 0,543 256 80 4-10 12-8 GWB4010C 0,595 256 80 .3:23 03 GRB0560 and GRB0560C Crimp geometry Tested and certified mechanical Miniforce hand tool for roll crimping uninsula- ted terminals 0. mm² AWG Name Crimp geometry Net weight (kg) Length mm Width 4-10 12-8 GWB4099 0,542 203 76 4-10 12-8 GWB4099C 0,56 256 80 GWB4010 and GWB4010C Crimp geometry Tested and certified mechanical Miniforce hand tool for crimping un-insula- ted ring, fork and pin terminals well tube terminals and through con- nectors type KR/KRT and KS/KST 4-10 mm²