System Elpress terminals and tools

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Poznámky redaktora
5 mm². GRB0560 used crimp B1507FLS1, B1507FLSH mm² AWG Name Crimp geometry Net weight (kg) Length mm Width 0,15-1,5 26-16 DRB0115 Roll 0,452 192 66 DKB0325 Crimp geometry Tested and certified mechanical hand tool for indent crimping terminals 0. • measuring certificate mm² AWG Name Crimp geometry Net weight (kg) Length mm Width Height 0,5-1,5 20-16 TRB0515B Roll 0,74 275 135 49 DRB0115 Crimp geometry Tested and certified mechanical hand tool for roll crimping uninsulated tab, bullet and socket terminals 0.5 mm².25-2.15-1.15 mm² with measuring certificate Properties: • crimp points are clearly marked • adjustable for changes after long use • tested with Elpress terminals according requirements SEN and DIN • locking function that ensures complete crimp • emergency release the crimping process has interrupted • unique design that makes the tools thin and versatile • minimal muscle strength required for complete crimp • withstands least 50,000 crimps • supplied with certificate for basic quality monitoring TRB0515B Crimp geometry Crimping tool for Roller crimping terminals B1507FLSB8. mm² AWG Name Crimp geometry Net weight (kg) Length mm Width 0,25-2,5 24-14 DKB0325 Tab 0,444 192 66 .3:20 Tool for uninsulated terminals 0