System Elpress terminals and tools

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You also decide whether the training should company-based held Elpress’s training facilities.13 Train and vehicle manufacturers Educate staff the special demands and external conditions that apply the manufacturing rail traffic. addition, there the possibility customize the training that the content fits the needs the company. Completed training gives certificate. Provides thorough knowledge calculations, tool selection and management, problems and solutions and quality assessment. Course participants will receive certificate after the completion their training. Course participants will receive certificate after the completion their training. • Management tools • Work procedure • Elpress Dual-technology • Crimp technique • Quality inspection • Safety use • Preventive maintenance in daily production • Management tools • Work procedure • Elpress Dual-technology • Crimp technique • Quality inspection • Safety use • Preventive maintenance in daily production Each training has level that suits everyone, such operators, designers, supervisors and quality managers. The training concerns; The training consists theoretical and practical part and ends with written test. Education for all personnel such operators, supervisors, designers and quality departments. Provides thorough knowledge calculations, tool selection and management, problems and solutions and quality assessment. Education for all personnel such operators, supervisors, designers and quality departments. A follow-up the certificates necessary . Completed training gives certificate. The training concerns; Wind Power manufacturers Educate staff the special demands and external conditions that apply the manufacture wind turbines. The training consists theoretical and practical part and ends with written test